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“I don’t have time to budget!”

This is a common misconception.
Stop letting this excuse hold you back from creating a budget!

Creating and maintaining a budget can seem like quite a time consuming task. The process of reviewing your expenses, setting your goals, tracking your spending and keeping on track with your long term goals can feel overwhelming.

However once the budget is created, then the only time it takes is maintenance.
A Financial Mentor (like the team at MoneyMata$) can help take a lot of the hassle away – by supporting you in creating a sustainable system to make your budget work for you.

Maintaining your budget should only take a short period of your time each week (or fortnight/month depending on your pay cycle) to review your spending and goals to make sure you are on track. (Our team can also support you with this if you would prefer ongoing support)

There are many ways to help your budget be more time efficient – using whichever type of system you are most comfortable with. Some people prefer a paper system of writing everything in a book, others have spreadsheets on the computer; or there are some great apps that you could have on your device that make it easy to track as you go!

If you would like some help to get started with your budget – get in touch with our team – we’d love to see how we can help!